This gorgeous woman is one of my closest friends, Ami, and her fiancé Jimi.
I'd been dreaming of this session since they got engaged and my word it did not disappoint! Although, what I thought I was going to get from this session was completely different to what I left with. I imagined the most stunning images upon a rock with beautiful views of land for kms. High above with gorgeous rays of sun shining down. I had pictured it all. And that was what I thought was going to be the most amazing thing to come from this session. Stunning photos! Wow was I wrong!
We started the session having a bit of a laugh, mucking around and getting comfortable. (It isn't only you guys needing to get into the zone but myself as well). So we're up on this rock with Jimi making fun of basically everything we're doing. Secretly I think he was a little nervous. (Sorry Jim). Even though we were getting nice photos and capturing them incredibly happy, all I was craving was a deep connection. You know, those images you see and can feel them like you are there. Well, turns out, that's what I wanted more than a beautiful backdrop.

So we ventured back down the hill when the sun was at its most beautiful and captured something more incredible than I thought possible. Good old Jimi was still being a bit of a jokester so I just kept it simple and asked 'What's your favourite thing about Ami?', his first response was a laugh but then as they looked into each others eyes something just clicked. It was like he realised why we were there, what the true meaning behind all of this was. They went from laughing, joking and having an all round fun time to this incredibly deep connection.
As I was behind the camera trying to stop myself from crying, all I could think was, she's safe, she's happy she is where she's meant to be. One of my best friends is marrying a man who is going to protect her, guide her and give her all the love she deserves. And during this magical moment I felt a weight lift, I felt so much peace from her happiness. Something I never expected I would feel from a moment like this. It was incredible.
So I left this session with so much more than I thought I would. I expected beauty and left with greatness, I left with a full heart. And will be forever grateful that they became completely vulnerable to the moment and I was able to capture their true love.
Georgia xx